Mac users are known to be style savvy with a love of designer details but, does that mean they should be directed towards more costly products and services? One travel company thinks so.
After employing a team of statisticians headhunted from the likes of Google and eBay, US travel firm Orbitz has used data mining to determine that Apple users pay an average of 30% more on hotel rooms. It has developed its own algorithm to recognize when its web site visitors are using a Macbook or other Mac computer in order to display more expensive hotels and room tariffs. For those who don't want to pay over the norm for leisure products, a $5 PC memory upgrade could see a discarded lap
top tuned up for faster web browsing - making sure savings stay on track.
Data Memory Systems is a one stop shop for PC memory upgrades, supplying the best quality PC memory at the lowest prices. An easy to use web interface means users can select their make and model of computer to see all available compatible upgrades. The site also provides a do it yourself guide so PC memory can be installed quickly and easily at home.
While Macs are sometimes thought of as being more reliable, boosting a computer's memory with a memory upgrade can make everyday tasks just as enjoyable as when using an Apple product. And for those serious about savings, this means no customer profiling leading to higher priced products and services.
With Orbitz intending to research Mac owners spending habits further and delve into whether or not they have preferred brands for services such as car hire and airline flights, now is the perfect time to select a low cost memory upgrade for existing desktop PCs and laptops. Even if only used as a backup when shopping online, purchasing a memory upgrade can turn a small outlay into a large saving.
Product such as Data Memory Systems' memory chips start at just $4.99 for a 30 pin, while DDR3 PC memory stars at $19.99.
To browse the whole line of Data Memory Systems memory upgrades and to buy online, visit
About Data Memory Systems: The Data Memory Systems' team wants to provide the best possible quality PC memory and Apple memory at the lowest prices. They offer great service and value for your money. Whether you have a Dell, HP, Sony, IBM or Apple Mac system, they have the compatible memory for your device.